The Reason Why You Should Make an Appointment with a Kitchen Professional to Start Your Kitchen Remodel

DSC_1569We live in a hectic world, always on the go and trying to fit everything in so that we get everything done that is on our list. Most people can’t juggle more than one thing at a time and do it well, even though they think they can. We look at our run down and outdated kitchen and instantly get the urge to get out to a bunch of showrooms to get some ideas. Saturday is the day that we find some time so we finish our chores and get in the car and head to a kitchen showroom, excited that we are finally going to do something about this kitchen that we hate. We pull up to the showroom of choice, go in and the disappointment begins. All of the sales designers are busy with clients. What went wrong?

Deciding to do a kitchen remodel is a big undertaking. There are many stages to go through to get to the end results. Driving from showroom to showroom to get ideas takes time and patience. There is no worse feeling then to drive to a place and you can’t get a minute with someone to help. This is where the planning needs to start to make the best of your time and the ideas that are needed to design the kitchen of your imagination and dreams. I had a client recently brag about going to one of the box stores and getting someone to help them and they designed and priced the kitchen right there in front of them. I think they could tell by my expression what I was thinking. My thoughts flowed out of me like a broken levee.

I’m sure that they did get that design done right in front of you was my reply but why are you at another place looking I asked? Well, the wife replied sheepishly, I didn’t really like what they come up with. Did they ask you many questions I asked again? Not too many she replied, I felt rushed. Did you make an appointment with the sales designer? No she said, we just walked in.

Does this scenario sound familiar? All too often, we get an urge to remodel and we just react and get right out there to find someone to help us. Yes, it can be done if all you want to do is fill your kitchen with cabinets. If you are looking for true help with design and ideas, you need to plan ahead and make an appointment with a kitchen professional so that you get the exact time and attention that will be needed to accomplish your project the right way. This way you are happy at the end of that project. In the end, the appointment saves you time and frustration so that it ends up being a pleasant experience, not the opposite.

The next time you get that urge to remodel your kitchen, take the time to research the right place to help you and make an appointment with a professional that will not only dedicate the time that you need but also have a free mind, just for you to ask the right questions and get the info that they need to come up with the right design that you will be in love with. There is nothing more costly than the remodel that is not what you had thought it would be. Good design doesn’t cost you more when you get it right the first time. Your happiness depends on it. Dream First!

Tim Holick

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